Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy Birthday

Yeaterday was Ski Jr.'s 13th birthday.  It seems like just yesterday I was a scared 22 year old bringing home this tiny human!  I had no idea what I was doing, and I couldn't believe they trusted me with him...  Now he is 13 and in middle school.  Soon he will be interested in girls, learning to drive, and graduating from high school!  Time goes by so fast.

There is another birthday to celebrate- my blog is 1 year old!!  When I started it last year, it was mainly a place to talk, but it morphed into nail polish...  I know I am not the best writer, and I suck at taking pictures and posting regularly, but I appreciate you guys reading.  Thanks for putting up with my babbles for a whole year!!

I hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday, and I promise I will post again soon!

Until later,

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Franken- from poop to pretty!

This is one of my first successful frankens!  I re-discovered OPI Shim-mery Chic in my stash last night and decided that it looked like sparkley poop.  I was complaining on Twitter, and Scandalous suggested that I add red and clear to it...   Since she is the franken Queen, of course I took her advice!!

This is how it turned out:

Please excuse my crap polish job, I had the Princess up my butt while I was trying to paint, LOL.  I have no idea what to call this color, any suggestions?

Until Later,

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Man Glaze and other random stuff

So, I had a post all planned out to do on the day before Thanksgivivng, but Mr. Ski needed his computer.  No problem, (I thought) I will do it when he gets home....  guess who left his computer at work?  Normally, this would be no big deal, but the next day was Thanksgiving, and Friday we were flying out to Key West.  That's life, I guess!! 

I went to an out door concert a while back, and since it was a punk band, I decided to go with Man Glaze Fuggin Ugly.  I loved this polish, but it was pretty chippy- I had a chip before I even got to the concert.  I think net time I wear it, I will use a top coat.

I went to get my hair done recently, and the girl had OPI polish for sale.  Since I had given her a crapton of stuff before we moved, the cut and color was free, and she threw in a polish.  I picked OPI DS Reflection.  Oddly, the cap is black, but the polish looks like the swatches I have seen:

Sorry for the tipwear, I think this was after a few days. 

We went to Key West on Friday, and I scoured the Dollar Tree looking for those Sally Hansen Prisms that everyone is finding...  no luck.  Mr. Ski picked up a pack of NYC and Pro 10 (I believe) for me- the NYC was Molten Metal and #229, Pro 10 had Morph and an orange that I can't remember the name of.... 

I am going to leave you with a shot or 2 from Key West-

This is the Artist House- I believe it is supposed to be haunted, like most of Key West.  It was the original home of Robert the Doll.

This one is pretty self explainitory...  please excuse my dopey looks, I had a stye on my eye that pretty much swelled it shut- I almost wore a pirate patch on the trip!

This next one is from the Ghost tour- we stopped at the Auduban Haouse, and I caught this on film.  Apparently, the orb is next to the room where the children had died of yellow fever.

Anyway, I have tons more pics, but I need to resize and do a few things.  Maybe I will share more soon!!

Until Later,

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I just wanted to let you all know that I am still alive, and I am sorry it has been so long. We moved over Halloween weekend, and I have been busy as hell cleaning, unpacking and organizing!  I also had to go down to nubbins because of the stress of moving, and they were really short- I didn't want to even take pictures...  I promise I will be doing a post here in the next few days, bear with me!!

Until Later,

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween NOTD- China Glaze Ick-A-Body

First, thank you all for your kind words Monday!  It meant a lot. 

This is my Halloween mani.  I know it is a bit early, but we are moving this weekend, so I wanted to have one less thing to worry about!  I love this polish!  It was a bit streaky in the beginning, bu it all evened out.  Here is 3 coats with SV (which it seemed to eat, it was lumpy the next day.)

I may actually wear this around Thanksgiving too, but matte so it is more fall-like...  I got a bit of tipwear after a few days, so I decided to turn it into a funky french.  I used WnW Black Creme and WnW Sunny Side Up.

Now that my nails are dressed for Halloween, I just need to figure out what I am going to be!!  We take the kids Trick or Treating in my in-law's neighborhood, mainly because Mr. Ski grew up there and he is related to half the damn street.  This is Ski Jr.'s last year, so I think he may be a tad upset....  he may be able to pull it off for a few more in that neighborhood though!

Hope everyone has a safe Halloween!

Until Later,

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hold me closer, tiny dancer

When I was a baby, my daddy would sing this song to me.  Every time I hear it, I think of him.  I always seem to hear it when I need to- whether I am sad, happy, or just need to know he is with me.   Today is one of those days, it is his birthday.

Happy Birthday, Daddy.  I miss you.

Until Later,

Friday, October 22, 2010

NOTD- OPI Jade is the New Black

I forgot to take pictures of the polish I wore last weekend when I went out with Mr. Ski... I wore ChG Mummy May I, and I love it, so I will definitely be wearing it again soon and I will take pictures!

This is OPI Jade is the New Black. I know I am way behind with this one!! I loved this color on me, for some reason, the green looked great against my very pale skin!! Sorry for the picture quality though, I need a better camera that actually likes greens!

Sorry, this was under the "natural light" light bulb in my living room.  It is pretty close to the color I think.  Like I said, I need a better camera!!

Until Later,

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

NOTD- Color Club Revvvolution

You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world

Now that I have given you your earworm for the day, I must tell you that I love the Beatles.  I grew up listening to them, and I love pretty much every song!  Two of my favorite movies are Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and Across the Universe.  I even have a print of John Lennon's Imagine artwork in my living room. (directly across from the U2 Joshua Tree album cover print, LOL!  My living room is one giant pop culture reference, we also have a large Disney pic and a bunch of James Dean!)  I think I would have bought this polish even if it was not a holo, just for the name. (that is part of the reason I want Lippman's Across the Universe- I am a dork)

Enough babbling, here is Revvvolution!

(please excuse the random stray cat hair, LOL!)

It is not as holo as my OPI MPJ, but I love it, and true to Color Club form, the formula is excellent!  I will probably use this more and save my MPJ for special occasions, or maybe even try layering it. 

To further jam the earworm into your head, here is "Revolution" from the movie Across the Universe.  (I love Jim Sturgess in this, can I have him??)

Until Later,

PS, I realize I should have done this for John Lennon's birthday, but I got distracted!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

NOTD- China Glaz Zombie Zest

I asked on twitter the other day what I should do for my next mani, and jbrobs suggested I do ChG Zombie Zest over OPI Who the Shrek are You.  Here you go, twin!!

I think that putting over a green kind of adds to the color...  It was a tad streaky, but that could have been user error, LOL!  My camera had a hard time picking up this polish, it looked much better in real life.  We kept calling it "glitter snot" the whole time I wore it!!

Today is Mr. Ski's 40th birthday, and we are going to try and go out for a bit.  I need to figure out what polish I am going to wear, and maybe I will show you!! 

Until Later,


This first tag is from my long- lost twin, jbrobs. (with the exception of the football team she roots for, we are way too much alike!  I think we love the same hockey team though!) This is the Sunshine Award.

Here are the rules:
1. Save the image above and post it on your blog.
2. Share the love with 12 fellow bloggers.
3. Link the nominees
4. Let the nominees know they have been given the award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link the person(s) who gave you the award.

This next award is from the fabulous Scandalous.  This is the Versatile Blogger award.

For this I have to tell you 7 things about me and nominate 12 other blogs.  Here we go:

1. Amber is not my first name.  It is my middle name, my mother decided I should have a conventional name in case I decided I didn't want to be called Amber when I am 80.  I hate my first name!

2. I scrapbook.  I have tons of scrapbooking materials in my garage, and I kind of suck at it, LOL

3. I didn't learn to swim until I was 13, which is nuts considering I live near the ocean!

4. I am terrified of snakes.

5.I have dyed my hair many colors because I hated having red hair.  Now that I am older and love it, my hair is turning brown.

6. I love true crime books and tv shows.  I got so excited when I discovered that "The New Detectives" was filmed near here and my childhood home was on an episode that was supposed to be set in Canada.

7. my first job was in a bookstore.  If I ever win the lottery, I want to open a used bookstore where people can come and curl up on couches and read all day with big cups of coffee!

For both of these tags, I am just going to let you tag yourself- I have no idea who hasn't done this yet.  If you decide to do them, let me know so I can read!!

Until Later,

Thursday, October 14, 2010

NOTD- OPI DS Extravagance

This is what I wore all last weekend.  I could not stop staring at my hands!!  OPI DS Extravagance is a gorgeous magenta-ish holo.  The formula was awesome, and it is soo sparkley!!  Even Mr. Ski commented on it, we all know how rare that is!


This is 3 coats plus SV...  I alway seem to do 3 coats, just to be safe, LOL!!!   This is my 2nd OPI DS polish, and I want more....     

Until Later,


Friday, October 8, 2010

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

According to the American Cancer Society, in 2010:

•About 207,090 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women.

•About 54,010 new cases of carcinoma in situ (CIS) will be diagnosed (CIS is non-invasive and is the earliest form of breast cancer).

•About 39,840 women will die from breast cancer
1 in every 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer sometime in their life.  Early detection is key to treating it successfully.  That is why it is important to get screenings and mammograms regularly.  Know your body, do self exams (or have your significant other do them- who else knows your body as well as you do?) Breast cancer does not always present as lumps, be aware of any changes in your breasts.  Please pay attention to your body!
In honor of BCA, here are some pink polishes I have.  Please excuse some of the pictures, they date back to the beginning!

China Glaze Fuchsia
Claire's Calm/Wild
WnW True Love
China Glaze Something Sweet
Zoya Katy
Until Later,

Sunday, October 3, 2010

NOTD- OPI DS Original and guest nails

A few weeks ago I won another giveaway on the awsome L.'s blog, Bright Lights, Big Color.  I will try and get pictures of the goodies for you!  I decided to try OPI DS Original first, since I love holos. Unfortunately, I was only able to get one picture in the sun, because it has started to rain again....

Sorry it is not the best, but it shows some of the gorgeous holo-ness!!  I will try and get better pictures soon.  I love this polish, but it is sheer.  I may try it over black or purple, I heard it was pretty that way!

TO make up for the crappy NOTD picture, I have some guest nails for you.  She will not be commenting on them herself, because her typing is bad and her spelling is not the best...  (that's because she is 4, you guys!!)  Today's guest nails are none other than The Princess!!  She loves having her nails done, and she is very particular about making sure her toes match, LOL.  Usually, she chooses pink or purple, but this time she opted for OPI Ogre the Top Blue:

Ha, she even has the pose down!!  Cute, right?  Her is her " I am adorable" pose:

That's all for now, have a great night!!

Until Later,

Thursday, September 30, 2010

NOTD- Color Club Ms. Socialite

First, I want to apologize for not posting for a while.  All of us here have been sick off and on during the last two weeks and I have not felt like doing much of anything- I actually wore the same polish for eight days straight!  I honestly believe my house is making us sick, we have found black mold...  No worries though, it will be straightened out soon.

Now, on to the polish!!  This is Color Club Ms. Socialite, a lovely eggplant purple.  Mr. Ski even commented that he liked it, which is rare- he hardly ever pays attention!!  I could have gotten away with 2 coats, but I am a serial 3 coater...

It didn't photograph very well, we have had massive rain for days...  blah!!  Anyway, I promise to post again a lot sooner, please forgive me!!

Until Later,

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Color Club Uptown Girl

Today I have another Color Club from the Rebel Debutante collection- Uptown Girl.  This is a dusty purple color, and I think I am in love!!  I love purple (nail polish only, I rarely wear purple!) and I think this one looks good on me!!

Sorry for the lack of clean up, I have a sick munchkin and I had to do this quickly....  This is probably my favorite of the collection so far, what do you think?

Until Later,

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Are you ready for some football???

Real quick, I wanted to show you my football mani!!

I used OPI Bogota Blackberry and freehanded the tips with the orange Pixi Stix polish. (please excuse the preschooler rubble in the background!)

Go Redskins!!  Who do you root for?

Until Later,

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Never Forget

I know I usually don't post on weekends, but I cannot let today pass with out saying something.  September 11, 2001 started out just like any other day for me, just like everyone else in America.  I got up, dropped Ski Jr. off at the babysitter's, and went to the job I despised.  I poured a cup of coffee, and started to pull the day's credit reports. ( I was a mortgage loan processor.)  I remember the phone ringing and someone sayingg a plane had crashed into one of the Twin Towers, and I remember thinking that it was sad, but probably just a Cessna....  Then we started getting more information, and I remember being horrified- I remember everyone huddling around the computers trying to find out as much as we could- we had no access to television.  Once the plane hit the Pentagon, we started to freak out more- we lived in a major military area, what if they hit us next?  I remember everyone spent the day trying to call loved ones, even though we didn't know anyone in the towers, and no one could get through to anyone.  I remember freaking out because I couldn't reach my babysitter, and being frightened because we were living right by the airport.  We finally left work early, and I rushed to get Ski Jr, and spent the rest of the day and long into the night in front of the television, crying non stop... 

I know everyone has their own story of that day, and I thank God that I lost no one close to me, and I pray for the families that did.  I want to thank those of you that serve our country and have love ones that serve. 

Until Later,

Thursday, September 9, 2010

NOTD- Color Club Best Dressed List

This is the next polish from Rebel Debutante- Best Dressed List.  It is a brownish color that seems to have a bit of pink in it on me....  I don't think I am a fan.  I like bright colors on me, and this is just way to neutral. Oh well, they all can't look fabulous on me!!

I wore this for a week (I got lazy, and then I was sick!) and I had not one chip, and only minor tipwear!!  Color Club has a great formula!

Until later,

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

NOTD- Color Club High Society

Today I have the second polish in The Rebel Debutante collection- High Society.  This is kind of a taupey gray color on me.  It is very pretty, but it is another one that I don't know how I feel about it on me....

The formula on this one was a bit tricky, but that may be user error!!  These are my first real Color Club polishes, and I have to say I love them so far, even if I am iffy on the colors!!

I also wanted y'all to know that even though I don't reply to your comments all the time, I do read them, and I appreciate all of them!!

Until Later,

Saturday, August 28, 2010

NOTD Color Club Who are You Wearing?

I know I am WAY behind with this color, but I recently won a giveaway on the fabulous Landa's blog, Bright Lights, Big Color.  One of the prizes was Color Club's Rebel Debutante collection (minus Rebel Debutante, boo for Color Club not putting that in the boxed set!)  I decided to try them out from lightest to darkest, so Who are you wearing is up first!!

This is 3 coats:

This picture doesn't really do the color justice... it is a weird color, on me it looks light gray with a very light lilac tint to it... 

I haven't decided how I fell about this color yet, it makes my hands look a bit corpse like...  although, I am so pale, that I look corpse like on most days anyway!!  I think I will wear it through out the rest of the weekend to see if it grows on me!!

Until Later,

Friday, August 20, 2010

NOTD Maybelline La-La-Lime

I got this one from the sweet and wonderful Scandalous of Scandalously Polished.  I love you, Ange!!

La-La-Lime is a pretty green color that I probably wouldn't have picked up for myself- I tend to grab darker greens...  I love it though!

Pretty, right? 

Anyway, sorry this is such a quick post.  I am feeling a bit blah today...  I think I need a vacation!

Until Later,

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I haz boobies!!

Okay, not really, just boobies as in my first Nfu- Oh polish!!  My awesome friend jbrobeck from polish insomniac sent me a RAOK with Nfu-Oh 56 and Zoya Charla!!  I couldn't decide which one to wear first, so I decided to wear both!!

Zoya Charla by herself:

Ain't she pretty??  I then added 2 coats of Nfu Oh 56 (and promptly freaked out my camera)

Sorry for all the pictures, I got excited...  (it was also sprinkling, hence the drop of water on my index finger)  In all my excitement I forgot to take abottle pic, so I will do that later.  I wanna go look at my hands some more!!

I should mention that the idea for layering these came from reading magic maid's awesome blog.  (Sorry Nicole- I love you!)
Until later,

Friday, August 6, 2010

I want a yellow holo!!

As I was applying ChG Lemon Fizz the other day, I starting wondering if a yellow holo existed...  I asked on Twitter, and ScandalousAnge said that she had tried to franken one and it didn't work...  well poop!!  So then I decided that maybe a few coats of Cover Girl City Lights over Lemon Fizz would make a yellow scattered holo....  um no....  It looks like Big Bird ate Abby Cadabby and vomited on my fingers! 

Observe the Big Bird glitter vomit:

Sigh...  oh well....  If any polish companies happen to read this, I want a yellow holo!!  Please!

Until Later,

Sunday, August 1, 2010

So sorry!

I know haven't posted in a while...  I am running out of things to show you guys!!  I am trying to put aside some $ so I can do a small haul very soon.  Bear with me, I am still here!!

Until Later,

Monday, July 19, 2010

NOTD- Milani Metallic Mango

I told Mr. Ski to pick me out a new polish last night when he went to the grocery store...  I really didn't think he would, because he never does, but he came home with two new polishes for me!!  They are colors I probably wouldn't have picked for myself, but I thought it was sweet that he took the time to stand there and choose colors he wanted me to wear!  He picked this one because he said he thought it would look good with my hair.... erm, okay...

This is 3 coats of Milani Metallic Mango, plus tc:

Different...  it is kind of an orange, glowy color.  I am not a huge fan of metallics, but it is pretty...  he didn't do too bad, I guess!!

Until Later,

Sunday, July 18, 2010

NOTD- unamed Sally Hansen

Help!!  I got this polish a few months ago in my Freecycle haul, and the label is missing...  it is an old Sally Hansen.

It is a pretty greenish/gray.tealish color.  (does that even make sense, lol?)  I adore it, but I can't find the name anywhere, the bottle seems wrong.  Maybe it is a franken...

Anyway, here is what it looks like on:

The polish is more color accurate in this pic, but I am not yellow...

Pretty, right?  If anyone has any ideas, let me know.  Whatever color it is, I will be wearing it again, it went on like a charm!  Gotta love all those chemicals!!

Until Later,

Friday, July 16, 2010

We have a winner!!

I drew the winner of the Pixy Stix scented polishes, with a little help from the Princess.  I took pictures as we went, so her we go:

Here are all the names in the her Bilibo. (it is a weird toy thing...)

Reaching in to pick a name:

And the winner is......

KarenD!!  Congrats!! I have emailed you to get your info, hope to hear from you soon!!

Thanks to everyone that entered.  I hope to be able to do another giveaway soon!

Until Later,